
We hold these truths to be self evident…

That’s how our Founders decided to set themselves apart from what they thought was unjust.  They had the knowledge, the creativity, and the guts to put together a nation that the world had not seen.  They used the philosophies of many great thinkers to create a brand new system of government from scratch, something that very few ever had the opportunity to do.  After a few lessons to learn of our own, we would eventually be a role model for the rest of the world.  It took a lot of hard work, blood, and sacrifice for many Americans to put together what we have now.

But it is falling apart.

It’s not hard to find comparisons between our nation and the fall of the Roman Empire.  Historians have been commenting on it for years.  The cracks are hard to see, they say, because we are too close to the picture.  We don’t see the whole picture.  We just go on with our lives because that’s what is normal.  It’s what we are used to.

Every generation thinks it’s the last.  So, naturally, the argument will arise that maybe, just maybe, my words are just a little too skeptical.  That maybe I am gathering the cans of food and duct tape a little too soon for a Y2K that will never happen.  I just don’t think that’s the case.

The world isn’t going to end just because of any failings on the fault of our country.  But it will change, no matter what we do.  We do have the chance to help guide the flow of change, though.  This isn’t about good guys versus bad guys.  It’s about keeping watch over the misdirection of those who may get a little tempted to do the wrong thing from time to time.

Our country is off track.  This isn’t about me bashing it, either.  I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else, but I do think it needs to be criticized in order to better it.  Thomas Jefferson is attributed with saying, “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.”  Instead of a dialogue of extremist language and political agendas, I want to engage in rational discourse.  Not the “Love it or leave it” kind of thinking.  Not the “I support it because my political affiliation supports it” kind of thinking.  Just plain blindness to ideologies, but yet an acute awareness of them.

This blog represents my adventures in trying to understand our nation and the world around us.  I don’t claim to know everything, but I do try to be informed about topics that I tackle.  If I’m not clear about something, or I have the wrong information, please leave comments.  I will try to differentiate between my opinion and something I have found to be fact.  It won’t be just about politics, either, so if one topic bores you, keep reading…

Scott Dee

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