Sarah Palin’s Pity Party

Sarah Palin needs to go away.

She adds nothing to the national conversation except drama worthy of a reality television show.

Her latest tirade has been over Seth McFarlane’s hilariously unpolitically-correct show, Family Guy.  The show, which lampoons just about anything and everything in pop culture, recently aired an episode where the son, Chris, dates a girl with Down Syndrome.  At dinner, she tells Chris that she is the daughter of an ex-governor of Alaska.  Who could that be?

Palin went nuts.  A week after Rahm Emmanuel used the word ‘retards’ (referring to Democrats) in a meeting at the White House, Palin had more fodder for her me-machine.  Every month it seems she has something to say about something that makes Fox News giddy with enjoyment.

It’s nice that she picks and chooses the things she gripes about, though.  She has the time to criticize Emmanuel (probably because he works for the Democrats) and McFarlane (who is a liberal), but she won’t criticize Rush Limbaugh for using the word ‘retard’ or herself for her daughter’s underage, unwedded pregnancy.  Not that I care, but she clearly has double standards that are reminiscent of Bill O’ Reilly and Ann Coulter.

When asked about Limbaugh, she said it’s okay because he’s a satirist.  Excuse me, Limbaugh is far from a satirist.  As far as I know, he is considered a radio talk show host.  He does lie and make stuff up a lot, but that is not satirizing.  It’s called lying!  His loud Oxycontin-laden mouth speaks whatever he feels like spouting.  If anything, McFarlane is a satirist that would have amused past satirists, like Jonathan Swift, Mark Twain, or Voltaire.

Despite the fact that the actress who portrayed the girl, who really has Down Syndrome, said that Palin needs to get a sense of humor, Palin will continue to whine about whatever issue makes her look good and gives her attention.  After all, she needs to remain relevant to the public until 2012, when she obviously thinks she has a bat’s chance in hell of getting nominated by Republicans for president.  Her resume won’t do it – she couldn’t even finish one term as governor.  Her lack of intelligence won’t do it – she still believes in burning witches and thinks Africa is a country.  Even the Republicans view her as a liability.

So let’s all weep for Sarah Palin.  Her poor family needs it after she used them as political meat.  And she needs the attention for at least two more years.

Scott Dee

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