Extremism, or, Yelling ‘Fire’ in a Crowded Theatre

So, there have been these college kids who have been hanging outside of my local post office with a table of anti-Obama posters and handouts.  The poster is a close-up of Obama’s face – Orwell style – with a Hitler mustache.

Oh, the things I wanted to say.  The temptation was too great to yell out the window and say what was really on my mind.  But they’d probably expect that.  So, I chose to keep my mouth shut, which is rare for me.

I am getting impatient with the type of language that is coming out of people these days.  After eight years of a presidential administration that made a mockery of our country and our Constitution, now people are speaking up.  Speaking up over imagined threats to our ways of life.  

If you don’t like Obama, that’s fine.  Not every leader is going to be liked by everyone all of the time.  What bothers me is the language and tone that is being used.  There are always extremists out there, but they are getting more positive press as of late. 

Whatever you may want to say about our President, he is not a socialist, far from it.  He enjoys all of the same conflicts of interestand industrial complexes in capitalism that any other president has had.

Hitler?  Seriously?  These people are comparing him to a fascist dictator who was responsible for the death of six million Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, and political opponents.  Seriously?  He’s that bad of a leader?

What these people are doing is taking away from the national debate by creating ridiculous accusations.  And the media just eats it right up.  There was a time when we called these people kooks, crazies, nutbags, and idiots.  Why should it be any different now?