Howard Zinn

This past week saw the passing of one of America’s greatest historians: Howard Zinn.

The author of more than twenty books and contributor to at least a dozen more was most known for authoring The People’s History of the United States, which is required reading for anyone who wants a good, realistic grip on American history.

Howard Zinn (1922-2010)

Zinn analyzed primary sources and told the story of history from the people’s perspective  of American history, rather than from the winners’.  From the first chapter of People’s History on Christopher Columbus, he was able to turn what you learned in middle and high school on its head and tell each story from an angle that you most likely hadn’t heard before.  It’s no wonder many college professors began using his works in their classrooms.

Although he has passed, his writings will live on as a testimony of the power of the people of America.

Scott Dee